BBFL - Bulk Barn Foods Limited
BBFL stands for Bulk Barn Foods Limited
Here you will find, what does BBFL stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Bulk Barn Foods Limited? Bulk Barn Foods Limited can be abbreviated as BBFL What does BBFL stand for? BBFL stands for Bulk Barn Foods Limited. What does Bulk Barn Foods Limited mean?The Canada based company is located in Aurora, Ontario engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of BBFL
- B'nai B'rith Foundation Limited
- Brake Bros Foodservice Ltd.
- Bright Blue Foods Limited
- Blue Brick Financial LLC
- Blue and Blues Fashion Ltd.
- Belgian Babes Football League
- Bonnier Business Forum Ltd.
View 10 other definitions of BBFL on the main acronym page
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- BPL Bio Products Laboratory
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- BDC Broadway Dance Center
- BHS Beloit Health System
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- BC Bank of Colorado
- BBC Bible Baptist Church
- BMH Barton Memorial Hospital
- BMC Bend Memorial Clinic
- BDC Barking and Dagenham College
- BWL Burns White LLC